AASL 2023

Make the most of your AASL Conference Experience!

We can’t wait to see you!

Visit the Random House Children’s Books booth #737 to discover free resources, explore upcoming releases, and receive book recommendations.

Meet Your Favorite Authors from Random House Children's Books!

Can't make it to the conference? We have you covered!

Check out our New and Noteworthy Discussion and Educators’ Guides page for free downloads!

Rally for the Right to Read

Penguin Random House trusts and stands with librarians.

Join us in supporting libraries by inviting your community to read books under attack and encouraging community members to make their voices heard.

Get your Rally for the Right to Read kit for your school, library, and/or community here!

Penguin Random House Banned Books Hub

We at Penguin Random House fervently oppose these attempts at censorship because we believe that books make us better, and students in particular deserve access to a wide range of perspectives.

We stand with our authors and are committed to publishing diverse stories and rich, wide-spanning perspectives. We stand with teachers and librarians and trust their expertise on what books to share with young readers. And we stand with our readers, because everyone deserves to see themselves in a book.

Click here to learn what we’re doing – and what you can do – to protect the freedom to read.

To celebrate the books on the 2023-2024 Florida Sunshine State Young Readers List, host an in-person or virtual author visit! 

Random House Teachers and Librarians