Books You May Have Missed

Some of these wonderful books came out this year, but it has been a year like no other. Just in case you were a little busy adjusting, we gathered all the books and resources you may have missed in one place.

For more resources for all ages, CLICK HERE!

Picture Books

Chapter Books

Middle Grade

Middle Grade

Young Adult

A Message About Story Times and Read-Aloud Videos

In these uncertain and unsettling times, many of you are wondering how we can collectively continue to share our books and stories with students and readers everywhere. As a company, we are heartened by the role that books and reading can play to help connect us when we are physically apart. As you may know, our teams at Penguin Random House have been working quickly to enable virtual learning environments and livestreamed story times for educators, librarians, and booksellers, as well as our authors and illustrators. Today, we are pleased to share our plans for the open license we designed as an immediate measure to directly connect our books with students and readers while protecting the long term value of our authors’ and illustrators’ intellectual property. You’ll find all the details here.

Thank you for your shared commitment to storytelling and reading, and to our collective belief in the power of books to connect us—especially during times like these.

Random House Teachers and Librarians